Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions


90 min.

Intuitive Energy Healing Session can focus on trauma healing, past life progression, chakra health, energy anatomy clearing, raising your energy frequency, forgiveness protocols and reiki.

Please kindly reach out via email ( to secure your preferred booking date.

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Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao ceremonies are held on a monthly basis, typically spanning 60-80 minutes, starting from $15.

Book Lisa for Cacao:




Please kindly reach out via email ( to secure your preferred booking date.

Next Cacao Ceremony

January 14th 10am - 11am @The Nimbin Bush Theatre

Immerse in a journey of Cacao Ceremony & Sound Journey Meditation. Experience the medicinal properties of ceremonial cacao moving through you: opening your heart, increasing your clarity, relaxing your body and lifting the veils. Dive deep  inside the heart and into the inner planes, so you can access more love, wisdom and power and experience the bliss of who you really are… pure love… pure consciousness…

For direct bookings and inquiries, please feel free to get in touch.

Contact us at 0420 943 887            

Email us at

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