What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a holistic approach that can help you release negative energy and emotions, and promote relaxation and well-being. Discover a tailored array of services catering to your individual needs, ranging from sacred cacao ceremonies to intuitive energy healing sessions.

Intuitive Energy Healing

Are you stuck in a rut and can't work out where you are going wrong? In order to transform your reality and live in alignment to your highest self, you have to unlearn your limiting beliefs and create new healthy habits and actions.

Sacred Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao ceremonies are helpful for getting clarity, setting intentions, and doing healing work & inner-processing.

Watch to learn about my personal awakening


I had a healing with Lisa about 3 weeks ago and since then there has been so much powerful integration! It has certainly changed my life. The healing itself was very gentle an all-in-all a relaxing experience. However, energetically Lisa has certainly opened something up inside of me and for the first time in my life I am able to connect with my own intuition and guidance!!! I have been to a lot of healers over the years and I can honestly say that lisas gentle nurturing yet powerful approach is simply fantastic and I am so glad that I had that healing with her. Highly recommend!

Crisanne F.


"It’s exhausting holding on tight all the time. Through the harmonious Cacao Ceremony, Lisa Camilleri thoughtfully creates a non-judgement space. Michael Skinner’s sound immersion lovingly guides us through the experience. His music gently carries us to a soft landing. Highly recommended, very worthwhile experience! Thank you so much for helping me navigate through my obstacles."

Tee  P.


"Lisa is compassionate and gentle in her work and provided a safe space for me to release old energies that no longer serve."

Susan J.

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